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Friday, December 17, 2004

Pedro can't hide his jealousy

Here's my issue with the whole Pedro thing. I don't care that the Sox didn't sign him. He's not going to be in the league in 4 years and why have that money tied up. Good luck in New York, I hope everything works out. You have 4 great seasons ahead of you pictching for a non playoff team. My problem is his overwhelming jealousy of Curt Schilling. Yes, Schill's face is on 76 commercials, on posters, banners. He has 1,000 causes and basically puts his mug out there every chance he can get. Schilling is savy. He's no idiot, hell I'm eating out of the palm of his hand. He could say the forrest has no trees and I'd believe it. The point is, it took Schilling (not just him, but you get the idea) to get the Red Sox a World Series title. Something Pedro couldn't do. And by the time Pedro got his ring, he wasn't the ace, the star, the shining light on the team. He was number 2, and there was no doubt about it. No controversy here. Just simple: Pedro dropped to number 2 and his larger than life ego took a huge hit. And like every other prima dona before him, it tore him apart.
Schilling came in, took over the town and did something Pedro never could: pitched hurt. Hell, even had surgery before a start and made the Yankees look silly. Oh, and Schilling can beat the Yankees. Something Pedro couldn't do if he was spotted 12 outs and 5 runs.
Pedro's over the top portrayal of the Red Sox management's lack of respect was disgusting. In Pedro's world $ equals respect. Not how you carry yourself as a human or how you've been treated in the past or what the game has done for you, but $$$$$$$$. Management offered Pedro what they wanted and in the end caved and gave him a third year. The Mets offered the 4th and after coiming back to Boston and being told to get lost, Pedro signed in NY. Good for him. Money rules the world and I can't say that if someone offered me 53 as opposed to 40 million that I wouldn't take it.
I just want Pedro to look in the mirror and say this just once and say it clearly: Schilling was better and I'm a jerk for being such a pussy about it. That's all. Schilling delievered in the clutch when it finally mattered for Boston and you didn't. Simple. Done. Over.
53 million is a lot for 100 pitches. But I guess some of that is going to his ego. Good forbid Tom Glavine starts to win. This could be an interesting season for the Mets. Personally, I'll take guys like Clemens and Schilling over whiny bitches like Pedro anyday. Even at this stage in their respective careers.


Blogger dan marino is god said...

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9:28 PM  
Blogger dan marino is god said...

Oh yeah, and he won a Cy Young. AT 42! Pedro will be lucky to be pitching at 35.

9:30 PM  
Blogger dan marino is god said...

The debate with Pedro or Clemens as the best is a whole different column. I'm of the Roger is and will always be better than Pedro group. I'll explain that later.

9:31 PM  

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